AIDOINGS - Creating 4th Industrial Revolution products for the Millennials Kids
Early Dyslexia Detection
Assessments, Eyeball & Emotional AI, Consultation
Richard Branson- First millionaire made by the age of 18
“Being dyslexic can actually help in the outside world. I see some things clearer than other people do because I have to simplify things to help me and that has helped others.”
To estimate risk of reading disability in children is to evaluate parents’ own reading history.
Eye ball & Emotional AI Tool
Students reads 2 passages of 2 minutes each - the eye ball and facial emotions metadata are recorded. The data collected reflects the cognitive processes in the brain.
The Data is processed and report is generated and which is consulted to the doctor. The report indicates a student’s current reading ability, and immediately provides you with valuable information regarding which students need extra support or remediation.
Wings of AIDoings - Redefine Intelligence
Product engineering team fully dedicated to build products and frameworks keeping in mind the Millennial Kids ..
Group of Individual who are MAD about the upliftment of education system and a platform to share their views ..
Koanex believe in applying business koans to solve strategic imperatives by utilizing our products and services stack.